Monday, February 2, 2009

So many products to review, so little time!

Hello curlies! I hope you all are having as fantastic of a week as I am! I'm very happy because I found out that I got into a select residential community at my university for housing next year which is perfect and centrally located with giant rooms! I'm also quite happy because I've got so many things to review, but I'm going to spread them out into a couple posts I believe because I have two quizzes this week that are each like 1/3 of my grade for their respective classes and I need to study as much as I'd rather review hair products!

I think I'll get the bad review out of the way now (a little bipolar after my chipper introduction).

A recent trend has exploded on curltalk on Everyone and their curly cousin is raving about Lustrasilk. There are two varities of Lustrasilk, a conditioner/leave-in/deep treatment that are CG-friendly: the Shea + Mango Cholesterol version and the Olive Oil Cholesterol version. Several curlies on are hailing this as the winter-leave in to give you summer-humid curls.

At around $3 depending on where you get it for a giant 20oz tub, the price absolutely can't be beat. I bought both the shea and olive oil versions because I'm a product junkie and this purchase didn't hurt my bank account.

I decided to go all out on the experimental front just to make sure my hair tolerates it. I used it as a deep treatment, a rinse out, and a leave in.

Deep Treatment:
It's pretty good. My hair seemed to soak this stuff up as soon as I put it in. It smells pretty good too, not chemical scented. So I globbed it on my hair, let it set, wet my hair, then globbed some more in, put it in a bun, and went to bed for the night. When I woke up, my hair still obviously has some in it, but a lot of it had been absorbed. I definitely think that for $3 for a tub, this would be a worthwhile purchase as a deep treatment

Rinse Out:
Three words to describe this experience: blech, blech, and blech. I co-washed with Suave Coconut and "raked" through about a quarter and a half worth. I put quotes around the word "raked" because I don't think you could call it raking. It was more like painfully yanking it through. Even after I had detangled with a comb after my suave cowash, the pitiful lack of slip that this gave me made getting it through my hair a test of resolve and strength. My hair did not feel well-conditioned after I rinsed it out. I desperately started to reach for my L'oreal Vive Pro Nutri Gloss but I resisted for the sake of experimentation. When it dried, results weren't good. Frizzy, dry, and tangled. Definitely would not recommend this as a rinse out. I'd rather use it to shave my legs that use it as a rinse out.

Leave In:
I used about a quarter size puddle scrunched in as a leave in. Results were inconclusive. I've simply got to experiment more with it before I can tell you more about it. As for my initial go at it, it felt like any other leave in, but not as detangling. But at this point I'm not prepared to pass judgement on using it as a leave in. More to come, I promise

Speaking of more to come, here's what I'll be talking about in my next few posts:
-Whenever I get around to using it again I'll give some more conclusive thought to using Shea and Mango Lustrasilk as a leave in
-I'll be trying out Lustrasilk Olive Oil as a leave in within the week as well
-Tomorrow I will talk to you about a wonderful product made by a wonderful lady on (Botticelli Babe's Flax Gelee...or as I call it, the Magical Gel made by a Fairy Princess)
-I'll also be talking about my newly discovered dream winter rinse out conditioner(s). And odds are, you already have what it requires

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