Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flax Seed Gel From A Fairy Princess

Did you know that Canada produces more flax seeds than any other country??

I'm a dork. I was looking up information on flax seeds online and found out that handy piece of information. It's information like that that has clogged my brain and will eventually start replacing childhood memories.

I was looking up information on flax seeds just to learn more about them. One lady on, BotticelliBabe (different user than the BB who's blog is on my blog list by the way) has begun her own business out of her kitchen. The first creation of her's that I've been lucky enough to get my hands on is her Flax Seed Gelee.

Flax seeds can be boiled to produce a natural hair gel. BB adds on options (all PJ's love options!) like optional honey, agave nectar, magnesium sulfate, a plethora of scents, and even natural oils. The options are a little overwhelming, but it makes the process that much more fun. She tells me that she'll think about trying to replicate by beloved strawberry scent from VO5 strawberries and cream ♥ If I had a kitchen available to me, I'd give making her recipe for Flax Seed Gel a go, but the options for other goodies she gives you plus her secret thickener make her's a very worthwhile option if you want to save the hassle of kitchen experimentation

The product comes in a 20oz container. Basically, the same amount you'd get of KCCC in a handy little bottle for less money ($25 including shipping for BB's gel). Of course, KCCC is definitely going to last me longer since I use anywhere from 4 to 8 good sized puddles of the FSG at a time. But the results with the FSG are really nice.

The big thing to remember that I've learned so far with FSG is don't be stingy with using it. I'm convinced it's impossible to overdo it and despite my practically pouring it on my hair it still has yet to weigh me down. I've also used it for 3 days in a row (washing everyday now to combat winter dryness) and no build up yet.

As far as application goes, I'll rake/scrunch until I'm sure that every strand has a healthy dose.

When it dries, there is a bit of crunch. If you're worried about hold, I've also tried it with a gel on top (LA looks sport gel) and it worked just fine. BB recommends skipping a leave in since it's very moisturizing on its own

This product leaves my hair very very shiny and very soft. I really can't say enough good things about it. But a picture is worth a thousand words so here's my soft, clumpy, bouncy, shiny frizz free hair that was styled with just BB's Flax Gelee and nothing else!

Just as a fun point of comparison since I just passed my 3 month marker since my last sulfate shampoo, I want you all to compare that picture above to this picture taken in late October of 2008 while I was using sulfates and 'cones. There is absolutely nothing that could convince me to go back to sulfates. Just look at the difference! Especially considering how much more moisture there was in the air back in October!

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