Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Boyfriend: "Your hair is too long, but don't cut it too short"

He's so picky! Haha, but I completely agree. My hair is much too long. When I was a child, my mom kept my hair around my earlobes in a cute bob. My hair was straight and it was just precious. Like Suri Cruise actually. My hair currently is literally the longest it has ever been in my entire life. I'm just not comfortable with it. It isn't me. It's not that it looks bad, although I think the length may be pulling out the curl a bit; it just isn't me.

So I've decided to go for it. I've been scared to take this step, but I just have to try it. On my first cut, I took it from about 2 inches past shoulder length to shoulder length. Boring.

This cut (March 6th), I want to take it from 3 inches below shoulder length to around chinlength.

I know...I'm scared too.

I'm not sure if my curl pattern is tight enough for it. I'm a little worried, but I have faith in my stylist and I'll ask her how short of a bob she thinks I can handle.

By the way, I started writing this post yesterday, and sometime yesterday a thread appeared on CurlTalk asking about curly bobs! A bunch of curlies responded that they wanted to get them. I love curly bobs ♥

Anyhoo, I'm thinking that I might bring in this picture and maybe a couple of others from CurlTalk. Out of respect for their owners, I won't post them here since I haven't asked permission. But I will post this one of Charleze Theron because her picture is everywhere anyway!

My haircut is March 6th at a Deva salon in my area. I've been to this stylist once before and she did a nice job and for a very reasonable price ($45). I'm hoping she'll be able to whack off my icky length (it's not really icky but I think it is because it's too long) without giving me pyramid head or killing my curl!

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