Tuesday, January 20, 2009

VO5 Strawberries and Cream + KCKT + Donna Marie Honey and Aloe Curling Jelly + KCCC

I did a very bad thing yesterday. I've been feeling like I may be teetering on the brink of overconditioned lately, so I decided to whip out my bottle of Vo5 Strawberries and Cream conditioner because it's lighter than suave and use that for cowashing. The bad thing that I did is I also used a new product today. As a rule, I never like to change more than one thing in a given wash because then how am I supposed to know what change caused whatever results I see?

First, the VO5. This stuff smells amazing. After I had smelled the conditioner in the bottle for about 5 minutes, I finally poured some into my hand, then proceded to smell it some more. I then affirmed by observation what I already knew: this stuff is definitely thinner than suave. It smells really amazing though. So I cowashed and used about the same amount of it that I would use of my suave for comparison's sake. I feel like my hair felt a little cleaner or at least less conditioned right after my cowash (before I used my rinse out). Oh by the way, it smells like strawberries and cream and that smell is amazing. Detangling went well; I feel like even though it's very clearly lighter than suave it still did a very good job of getting the tangles out. I think I'll be using this for the next couple of washes...and the amazing smell lingered subtely which is amazing :D

So after the shower, I raked then scrunched in my normal amount of KCKT after finger combing. Then I used about a nickle size of the Donna Marie Honey and Aloe curling jelly. I admit I was a bit surprised at the color (a sort of brownish tinge) and the consistency of the product. I expected it to be a bit thicker than it actually was, but as the label says, it goes on light. I scrunched it in entirely rather than raking, treating it almost like a curling cream despite it's more thin gel like consistency. I then scrunched in slightly less of my normal KCCC amount and plopped for 45 mins and air dried the rest of the way.

Results: a tad bit of frizz but overall I'm pretty happy. Considering that I used a less moisturizing cowash I expected a bit more frizz and I think that's what caused it but it definitely wasn't some kind of cause for despair. I'd rather have a little more frizz on the first day than oily-ness by the end of the 2nd day.

Here are the pictures:

Basically, I'm happy with the combo and I will use it again.

I'm in a very strange state of hair right now. I think I'll save that for the next blog though.

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