Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Must Be Crazy

If I thought it was bad that I tried two new products at once, I should be very mad at myself today because I just did the most seemingly random combination of products and a couple of them I hadn't tried before. But before I get into that, I want to explain what I meant at the end of my last post about my hair being weird lately

I can't really decide what the problem is but there is one. My hair has been feeling rather dry and frizzy lately, but no where on par with protein sensitive straw so it isn't that, and I haven't used mag sulfate in a while so it's not that either.

On top of the dryness and increased frizz I've been having, I've also had some buildup issues of late. Not like silicone build up because I know for 100% certainty that all of my products are CG friendly. It's not thick and I don't feel particularly gunky. However, I have noticed I've had to use more intense products to coax out the spirals and I've noticed that my hair is looking a bit oilier faster than normal

Here's my theory: I think that now that winter dryness (dewpoint hasn't been above 15 in the last week) has truly set in for me for the first time, my hair is going a little whacko. None of my products, with the possible exception of KCCC, which I feel may be weighing me down a bit actually with it's repeated use (hence the bout of experiments lately to find other suitable routines), are particularly moisturizing. That being said, I tend to shy away from overly moisturizing things because I'm 2c/3a and I have a tendency to get close to that fine line between moisturized and overconditioned and to get weighed down. So my conclusion is that the winter dryness is causing me to feel the effects of the glycerin in my products and from just a long time without anything but cowashing, I've been getting coincidental build up that needs to be zapped.

So that will serve to explain all of my choices for today. Today I used my Giovanni Triple Tea Treat Shampoo (sulfate and silicone free, so it's a low poo) which I've only used 1 other time. I don't really love it, but the cocamidopropyl betaine (a secondary surfactant) in it did a nice job of removing the build up I had that one other time I used it, so I've kept it around for the occasional build up removal.

After my low poo, my hair felt very very dry, as I expected it would after not being exposed to a surfactant in about 2 months. However, it did feel especially clean, which tells me that any build up that was there is gone, and so if I'm still feeling that build-up feeling, I'm going to have to start analyzing which of my products is doing that to me.

To take care of the dryness induced by the low poo, I turned to Aubrey Organic's Honeysuckle Rose. If moisture could be put into a bottle, they'd call it this conditioner. It's very very very rich, almost like a thick icing consistency straight out of the bottle. Smells very organic and I actually liked how earthy I smelled after using it with the giovanni (although no smell compares to my VO5 strawberries and cream <3). So I used a healthy amount of the AO and after that I detangled, rinsed with cool water, and got out.

Now to the styling. I believe outside of KCCC that my new Donna Marie Coco Curling Butter is the thickest, most moisturizing product I have. So I decided to try a relatively insane experiment and use this straight on my hair. I raked and scrunched this in, then topped it off with some Herbal Essences Totally Twisted then about 3 sprays of Set Me Up scrunched in for good measure.

So that makes today's routine Giovanni + AOHR + DM Coco + HETT + HESMU.

Like I said, I must be crazy. But everything I used I used to try and take care of a specific problem. The Giovanni for buildup, the AOHR and DM for moisture, and the two gel combo for frizz control.

I'm currently plopping, so I have no results for you yet, but I will update my post later once I do. I'm thinking it'll either be great or a total disaster haha. Or it could be fine. We shall see

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