Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Update :)

Hello curlies :) School is keeping me very busy, and I don't have time to think about my hair a lot right now. I don't even venture to the General Hair Discussion board on CurlTalk anymore because I know there are probably about 1000000 methods and new products and stuff that I would be tempted to try, but then I'd probably fail out of school!

I'm doing another Aphogee treatment right now. I haven't done one since my last post, so it's been a good, safe time period. My hair is kinda blah right now. When I do style it, which is becoming rarer and rarer, it looks good, but I've ceased experimenting. I really really need to get some more KCCC and/or flax seed gel but I'm so broke right now! Those will have to wait until after Christmas. I am planning on trying my own flax seed gel once finals are over and I'm home, however. Anyway, when I do style my hair, I've been using Curl Junkie's Curl Assurance Leave In or Kinky Curly Knot Today underneath Boots Curl Creme and LA Looks Sport Gel. None of these are new products to me so you can find more about them by searching the blog most likely.

Anyhoo, I finished the Aphogee treatment and styled with what's left of my Kinky Curly Curling Custard. My hair looks really dry right now because part of the Aphogee process is a sulfate poo, so that's to be expected. You'll also notice it's getting long again. I'll probably be getting a cut over my winter break. But here is how my hair looks right now, post-treatment. It will look better in a few days. I'll post pics in a couple days to prove my point. Click the pic to enlarge it.

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