Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm Turning Into an Aloe Junkie!

I remember when I was a kid growing up in Arizona, I used to love to take the potted aloe plants we had around our pool and our patios and break off a small bit of a steam and play with the "goo" that came out. I probably never [intentionally] put it into my hair.

But now, 8 years after leaving the desert behind, I've rediscovered the "goo" that I used to find so fascinating. As I said in my last post, I recently picked up a tube of Lily of the Desert AVG with the help of my wonderful boy (he's allowed to have a car at his college). I tried it yesterday as a second day scruncher and had fantastic resutls, so today I tried a different experiment.

After my wash, I took half of the amount of Kinky Curly Knot Today (KCKT) that I would normally use (so half of a quarter) and put that in my palm. Then I took my LOTD and made up the missing half of the quarter with that. I then swirled the mix of half aloe half KCKT in my palm, then rubbed my hands together and raked the mix through. I scrunched it a tiny bit when I was done, then scrunched in my Kinky Curly Curling Custard (KCCC). I plopped for about 45 mins then air dried for about an hour and a half.

Though I was skeptical at first because much of the slip of the KCKT was obliviated by the aloe when I was raking it through, the results are fantastic!! Here are some pictures. I'm hoping the curl factor is due more to the aloe than the high dewpoint (58F) and the rain.

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