Monday, November 17, 2008

I Should Be Writing A Shakespeare Paper Right Now

Hi blog world! I'm Laura Lee, from As the title suggests, the real reason for the creation of this blog is so that I can procrastinate on writing a paper. Don't worry, it isn't due until Friday.

I'm a first year in college, hence the title and domain name of the blog itself. I'm a 2c/3a curly. That's me and my boy -->
We like to make funny faces.

I'm planning on using this to post my musings on things related to being CG, products, routines, etc. and also mixing in random thoughts and/or rants about the world outside of having curly hair (I know, I just found out it exists too).

This is still a work in progress. I'm playing around with layouts and options and things. I will try and be a good blogger and post regularly, but no promises since I am busy. Anyway, I've run out of productive things to say for my intro post. I hope at some point I post something in here that someone, somewhere, will find useful...or at the very least entertaining :)

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